
A mutation is defined as a changein the base sequence of

Mutations: A mutation is defined as a changein the base sequence of DNA. This may occur as a“mistake” in DNA replication, for example.

Suppose that during DNA replication, two mutant DNA sequencesare produced as shown below.

For the 2 mutated DNA sequences, you will investigate how thesechanges might affect the sequence of amino acids in a protein.

Question: For each of the two, you will need to firsttranscribe the mRNA, and then use the genetic code table todetermine the amino acid sequence.

Turn these in, and state whether the protein sequencechanges for each.

Question: Then, explain why a change in amino acidsequence might affect protein function. Turn in youranswer.

Here is the original sequence, followed by two mutatedsequences, 1 and 2:

Original sequence      3'- TACCCTTTAGTAGCCACT-5’

Mutated sequence 1) 3’-TACGCTTTAGTAGCCATT-5'

Mutated sequence 2) 3’-TAACCTTTACTAGGCACT-5’

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Biology: A mutation is defined as a changein the base sequence of
Reference No:- TGS0800232

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