
A muscle increases its contractile force by recruiting more

1. If alpha motor neuron 10 were stimulated electrically, which of the following would prevent muscle fiber D from contracting? Select all that apply. Removing extracellular Ca2+ from compartment B
Removing extracellular Ca2+ from compartment C
Removing extracellular Na+ from compartment B
Removing extracellular Na+ from compartment C
Removing acetylcholinesterase (AchE) from compartment C
Adding Acetylcholine to compartment C
Blocking muscarinic acetylcholine receptors in compartment C

If stimulation of sensory receptor 1 leads to contraction of muscle fibers E and G, but relaxation of muscle fibers D and F, which two neurons must be inhibitory?

If activation of sensory receptor 1 leads to reflex inhibition of muscle fibers D and F, then receptor 1

must be (select the one most appropriate answer):
A muscle spindle located in the same muscle as fibers E and G
A Golgi tendon organ located in the same muscle as fibers E and G
A muscle spindle located in the same muscle as fibers D and F
A Golgi tendon organ located in the same muscle as fibers D and F

A muscle increases its contractile force by recruiting more and more motor units. Maximum contractile
force of a muscle is therefore achieved when all motor units in that muscle have been recruited. Which
of the following describes the motor units which are recruited first? Large alpha motor neurons innervating slow-twitch muscle fibers
Small alpha motor neurons innervating slow-twitch muscle fibers
Large alpha motor neurons innervating fast-twitch muscle fibers
Small alpha motor neurons innervating fast-twitch muscle fibers

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Dissertation: A muscle increases its contractile force by recruiting more
Reference No:- TGS02448665

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