A mortar fires a shell of mass m at speed vo the shell

A mortar fires a shell of mass (m) at speed (Vo). The shellexplodes at the top of its trajectory as designed. However, ratherthan creating a shower of colored flares, it breaks into just twopieces, a smaller piece of mass (1m/5) and a larger piece of mass(4m/5). Both pieces land at exactly the same time. The smallerpiece lands perilously close to the mortar (at a distance of zerofrom the mortar). The larger piece lands a distance (d) from themortar. If there had been no explosion, the shell would have landeda distance (r) from the mortar. Assume that air resistance and themass of the shell's explosive charge are negligible.

Find the distance (d) from the mortar at which the larger piece of the shell lands.

Express (d) in terms of (r)

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Physics: A mortar fires a shell of mass m at speed vo the shell
Reference No:- TGS0907976

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