A MODERN STORY ABOUT ETHICAL VALUES Privately rank the five characters in the following story from “best”=No 1, to “worst”= No. 5, according to your personal values. An older woman alone and homeless (whether from her husband’s death, divorce, or drugs we do not know) was hungry but had no income even to buy food. She went into a grocery store and was caught stealing bread by an amorous Security Guard who agreed to let her go and do not have her arrested if she spends the night with him. Having no choice, she accepted the Security Guard’s offer. To avoid future trouble, she accepted a previous offer from an “Older Man” who was alone, to share his home, but not his heart. After living with him for 2 month, she confided in him about the episode with the Security Guard. In disgust the “Older man” called her unforgiveable names and kicked her forcibly from his home and told her never to come back. She then cried and appealed for help to his “Next Door Neighbor”, for whom she had cooked dinner for several times during his recent illness: but the neighbor (while slamming the door in her face) told her that interring in other people’s affair was “not his thing and told her to take her mess elsewhere. Next the “Old Woman” then appealed to the “Neighborhood Bully” and told him how the ‘Security Guard, Older Man and the Neighbor had mistreated her. The “Neighborhood Bully” then laid in wait for these people and at different times severely beat them while the “Older Woman” watched in satisfaction and laughed.
Rank the 5 Characters and give your reason for each one.Explain why you believe each character is good or bad._________ Older Woman ________ Neighborhood Bully ________ Older Man ________ Next Door Neighbor ________ Amorous Security Guard.