
A micro cantilever with a length l 200 nm width w 25 nm

Question: A micro cantilever with a length l = 200 nm, width w = 25 nm, thickness h = 2 nm, Young's modulus E = 160 GPa, and mass density t = 5800 kg/m3 has two strain gauges (Kg = 2) attached at its root; the gauges are connected in a half Wheatstone bridge (with vi = 15 nV). The cantilever is attached to a massless platform (base), which has a sinusoidal motion u = 10 sin(100t) nm. Determine the point mass that attaches at the cantilever free end knowing the output voltage amplitude of the Wheatstone bridge, which is DV0 = 5 nV. Use a lumped-parameter model without damping.

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Physics: A micro cantilever with a length l 200 nm width w 25 nm
Reference No:- TGS02577700

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