Question: Create a class named Doctor that has three member variables:
1. Name - A string that stores the name of the doctor
2. numPatients - An Integer that tracks how many patients the doctor must treat
3. patientList - A dynamic array of strings used to store the patient names
Write suitable constructor(s), mutator, and accessor methods for the class along with the given:
A method that inputs all values from the user, including the list of patient names. Note this method has to support input for an arbitrary number of patients.
A method that outputs the name and list of all patients
A method that resets the number of patients to 0 and the patientList to an empty list
An overloaded assignment operator that correctly makes a new copy of the list of patients
A destructor that releases all memory that has been allocated.
Prepare a main method that tests (i.e, unit testing) all of your functions.