
A marketing plan is simply a guideline to help you think

Question: Project task: A marketing plan is simply a guideline to help you think through the critical challenges you must deal with. It helps you spell out how you intend to market your product. there are many ways to write a marketing plan.

DRAFT 1 : - Describe your firm's orientation.

- Identify your business mission statement .

- Discuss your firm's objectives. Critique the objectives.

- Conduct SWOT analysis for your business. ( at least 4 point each cell )

- Describe the competitive advantage of your business.

- List key competitors.

- Suggest ways to better compete in the market.

DRAFT 2: - Describe your product/ service in details.

- Create product line/ mix matrix.

- Discuss the brand name ( origin, meaning ) and the brand logo.

- Discuss product packaging/ labeling issues related to your product/ service

- Discuss the product life cycle of your business since it was established in the industry till present.

DRAFT 3: - Discuss pricing strategy used by the company.

- List the promotional objectives of your firm.

- Does your business use online/ offline promotional? discuss.

- Explain your company advertising theme and style.

- Select type of media and sales promotion tool your firm uses for promotions and discuss in details ( tv, radio, internet, newspaper, magazines, others )

- Discuss the promotional tools ( coupons, rebates, contests, trade shows, sweepstakes, samples, online coupons, others )

- suggest a new product/ service that could be added to the company and identify ways to promote it.

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Marketing Management: A marketing plan is simply a guideline to help you think
Reference No:- TGS02794035

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