A manufacturer of low precision 10 mm diameter ball


A manufacturer of "low precision" 10 mm diameter ball bearings periodically takes samples and measures them to con?rm that the manu- facturing process is still on target. A random sample of 20 ball bearings resulted in diameter measurements with an average of x¯ = 9.86 mm, and a standard deviation = 1.01 mm. Postulating that the random sample X, X,..., X20 is from a Gaussian distribution with μ = 10, ?nd the probability that any sample mean, X¯ , will fall to either side of the postulated mean by the observed amount or more, by chance alone. i.e. (X¯   ≤ 9.86) or (X¯   ≥ 10.14).

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Basic Statistics: A manufacturer of low precision 10 mm diameter ball
Reference No:- TGS01348377

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