
A look from the outside-in guidelines

Topic: A Look From the Outside – In

Order Description:

Prepare a two-page paper on the topic: “A Look From the Outside – In” Guidelines: Use the website:


“Watching America” is an online foreign news source that has numerous political, social, and economic stories of how the world understands us from their (foreign) perspective, not from an “American” view.

(1) Select and read an article of your choice (translated in English).

(2) Objectify yourself as a concerned citizen of the nation of which the article was written. Provide your own assessments of differences of a balanced and realistic outlook from a newsperson looking into and evaluating people’s values in the American Society.

(3) Answer the question: Is it possible for foreign personnel to look at people in the American Society in a “relatively fair” manner? Conclude by evaluating how you vision other nations’ “typical” values, using the cultural relativism perspective.

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Reference No:- TGS01437817

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