
A long line of burning agricultural waste emits 03 gms of

1.If a clay sample (0.75 in. thick, double drained) reaches 90% consolidation in 5 minutes in the lab during a consolidation test, how long will it take for the field clay layer (same clay) as shown below to reach the same degree of consolidation? Field clay layer is 6ft thick

2.A sample of saturated soil was consolidated under an all-around pressure of 60 lb/in2. The axial stress was then increased without permitting drainage. The sample failed when the axial deviator stress reached 50 lb/in2. The pore pressure at failure was 40 lb/in2. Determine a) the consolidated undrained angle of shearing resistance and b) the drained friction angle.

3.what is the step’s method for drawing raft foundation?

4.A long line of burning agricultural waste emits 0.3 g/m/s of particulate matter on a clear fall afternoon with winds blowing 3 m/s perpendicular to the line. Estimate the ground-level particulate concentration 400 m downwind from the line.

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Civil Engineering: A long line of burning agricultural waste emits 03 gms of
Reference No:- TGS0803560

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