Deliverable Length: 1-2 pages
Ethical dilemma
Select either Situation 1 or Situation 2 on page 344. Write a 1-2 page essay. When answering the questions, incorporate terminology/concepts learned from previous chapters.
(Minimum 1-2 pages, typed and doubled spaced)
Situation 1
A legislator has proposed a sweeping new crime and punishment bill with the following provisions for punishment. Decide each issue as if you were being asked to vote on it:
• Mandatory life term with no parole for any crime involving a weapon
• Corporal punishment (using an electrical apparatus that inflicts a shock) for all personal violent crimes
• Mandatory five- year prison sentences for those convicted of DWI
• Public executions
• Abolition of probation, to be replaced with fines and prison sentences for those who are not able to pay or are unwilling to do so
Situation 2
Another legislator has suggested an alternative plan with the following provisions. Vote on these:
• Decriminalization of all drug crimes
• Mandated treatment programs for all offenders who were intoxicated by alcohol or other drugs at the time of the crime
-Restructuring the sentencing statutes to make no sentence longer than five years, except homicide, attempted homicide, robbery, and rape
• Implementation of a restitution program for all victims whereby offenders stay in the community, work, and pay back the victims for the losses and/or injuries theyreceived.