A leaf of area 44 cm2 and mass 45 10-4 kg directly faces

A leaf of area 44 cm2 and mass 4.5 10-4 kg directly faces the Sun on a clear day. The leaf has an emissivity of 0.86 and a specific heat of 0.8 kcal/kg·K.

(a) Estimate the rate of rise of the leaf's temperature.

__ C°/s

(b) Calculate the temperature the leaf would reach if it lost all its heat by radiation (the surroundings are at 20°C).

__ °C

(c) In what other ways can the heat be dissipated by the leaf?

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Physics: A leaf of area 44 cm2 and mass 45 10-4 kg directly faces
Reference No:- TGS0771292

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