An LC circuit has zero resistance, no battery, a capacitor C=70microFarads, and an inductor L=0.4H connected in a simple loop. The capacitor and inductor store a compined total energy of U=28microJoules.
(a) If all the circuits energy is stored in the capacitor at time t = 0, when is the soonest time that all the energy will be stored in the inductor?
(b) How much charge is stored on one side of the capacitor at t = 0?
(c) How much current flows through the inductor at the time you found in (a)?
(d) If the inductor is a cylindrical solenoid of length l=10centimeters and radius r=2.8centimeters, find the number of coils in the solenoid.
(e) What is the maximum magnetic field inside the inductor?
(f) If the maximum electric field in the capacitor is E=1.5x103N/C and the space between the plates if filled with a dielectric of constant 100,000, what is the separation between the plates?
(g) What is the area of one of the plates?