
a large number of plants are used for

A large number of plants are used for bio-pesticides and bio-fertilizers. Several plant species are used as insecticides against aphids and larvae of insect pests: for insects like blister beetles and termites; chilli is used for pests that affect storage and neem (Azadirachta indica) is used as a bio-pesticide. Storing of wheat and barley grains with cowdung ashes also preve nts insect attacks, the oil cake of Madhuca longifolia ach. and the oil and leaves of Pongamia pinnata are used for insecticidal purposes. There are accounts of how jowar grains have been stored for more than 30 years by sealing them between layers of neem leaves in bins and buried in a 12 ft. deep pit.

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Biology: a large number of plants are used for
Reference No:- TGS0332244

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