
a large number of important drugs are derived

A large number of important drugs are derived from plants. For example Tubocuranin, derived from plant-based curare, is used as a muscle relaxant during surgery.

Curianol, a Guyanes fish poison is used in heart operations. It has also identified that over 1,400 tropical forest plants contain substances that can fight cancer.

The Rosy Periwinkle Catharanthus roseus, has been used for generations by tribal medicinal healers in Madagascar which is its country of origin.

Digitoxin, the most widely used cardiac stimulant is obtained directly from the foxglove Digitalis

Antibiotics such as penicillin are extracted from fungi and from such unlikely sources as the African clawed frog's skin.

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Biology: a large number of important drugs are derived
Reference No:- TGS0332237

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