
A just war remembered

Read "A Just War Remembered," Winnipeg Free Press, 8 May 1985.

The editorial argues that the Second World War "was a just war and a good war." It was fought to defeat "a barbarous regime, committed to ruthless conquest and murderous tyranny on a huge scale." Canadians recognized "the challenge to civilization posed by Nazi barbarism" and "the horrific menace of German militarism." Canada's "war against tyranny" was bolstered by "the utter conviction of being right," and, ultimately, "civilization and democracy met the challenge and triumphed."

This is a role-play exercise. Respond to the editorial in the form of a letter to the editor. According to the first character of your last name, assume the character of one of the following historical actors:

a-e Japanese Canadian
f-j Conscription plebiscite yes voter
k-o Conscientious objector
p-t Conscription plebiscite no voter
u-z Combat veteran

Writing from the perspective of your assigned character, either support or repudiate the position taken by the editorial writer. Your letter may also respond to the positions stated by other respondents. If it does, be sure to make clear which post you are commenting on. Keep in mind the specific time frame: you are writing in 1985, so avoid references to more recent developments.

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