Case: Frog's Leap Winery in 2011 - the Sustainability Agenda (pages 411-425)
Watch the following 5 videos and answer the following questions in essay form. Each question need not be more than 500 words (about a page double spaced - choose your words wisely). I will be assessing your ability to identify important constructs that we've covered in the course, and your ability to apply them in this case study framework.
a) Is Frog's Leap a socially responsible business?
b) How does it stack up against its wine industry peers?
c) Benchmark Frog's Leap against any winery that you have heard of. You may need to do some outside research. What grade would you give Williams for his efforts at sustainability?
d) Using the financial ratios compiled in Table 4 & Table 5, below, What is working for Frog's Leap, and what can be improved?
e) What should Frog's Leap sustainability action plan for the next 10-20 years contain?