
A insulated sphere has a uniform volume charge densityrho

An insulated sphere has a uniform volume charge density,ρ , and R.

A) What is the magnitude of the electric field in all space ?(That is, for any distance r from the center of the sphere, what isthe magnitude of the eletric field? Assume the charge ispositive.
B) What is the direction of the magnetic field?
C) Sketch a graph of the magnitude of the electric field vs.radius.
D) What funtional form would the volume chargedensity, ρ , have to be so that the electric fieldinside the insulated sphere is constant?
E) What size should the total charge be, so that the electricfield outside that sphere from part A) is the same as the electricfield outside the sphere from part D)?

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Physics: A insulated sphere has a uniform volume charge densityrho
Reference No:- TGS0905273

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