A hydraulic lift is used to jack a 1170 kg car 14 cm offthe

A hydraulic lift is used to jack a 1170 kg car 14 cm offthe floor. The diameter of the output piston is 18 cm, and theinput force is 250 N.

(a) What is the area of the input piston?


(b) What is the work done in lifting the car 14 cm?


(c) If the input piston moves 13 cm in each stroke, how high doesthe car move up for each stroke?


(d) How many strokes are required to jack the car up 14 cm?

(e) Calculate the combined work input of all of the strokes.


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Physics: A hydraulic lift is used to jack a 1170 kg car 14 cm offthe
Reference No:- TGS0830775

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