
A home entertainment centerhas four different audio sources

A home entertainment centerhas four different audio sources that can be played over the sameset of speakers. Each audio source, named A, B, C, and D, isconnected using 8 wires on which an 8-bit audio signal is transmitted. The user selects which audi source is to be playedusing a rotary switch with four outputs: s0, s1, s2, and s3, ofwhich exactly one will be ‘1' at any given time. If s0='1', then audio source A is to be played; ifs1='1' then audio source B; and, so on. Create adigital circuit with a single 8-bit output O that will output theuser's selected audio source. For an eight bit signal X, youcan represent the most significant through least significant bitsat X7, X6, X5, ..., X1, X0. You may use any of the following:NOT, OR, AND, NAND, NOR, and CMOS transmission gate.

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Electrical Engineering: A home entertainment centerhas four different audio sources
Reference No:- TGS0631290

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