Q1. A metallic rectangular rod 1.5m long,40mm wide and 25mm thick is subjected to axial tensile load of 120KN. Elongation of rod is 0.9mm.Find stress,strain and modulus of elasticity.
Q2. A hollow circular tube of aluminium supports a compressive load of 54KN. Inner and outer dia are 3.6cm and 5cm and its length is 40cm. Shortening of tube is measured as 0.22mm. Find stress & strain in tube.
Q3. A hollow right circular cylinder of cast iron has outer dia 75mm & inner dia 60mm.Length of cylinder is 600mm & is subjected to axial compressive load of 50KN. Find normal stress & shortening of length of cylinder under this load. Take E=100GPa.
Q4. A steel bar of 10mm dia &1m long was subjected to axial load of 10KN.Its dia was found to decrease by 0.002mm.Take E=200GPa. Find (i)extension of bar (ii)longitudinal strain (iii)lateral strain (iv) poisson's ratio.
Q5. A 2m long rectangular bar of width 7.5cm &thickness 5cm is subjected to axial load of 1000KN. Bar gets elongated by 2mm in length & decreases in width by 10x10-6 m.Find E and µ.
Q6. A stepped bar is shown in figure.Material 1 has 2x105N/mm2 while material 2 has E=105N/mm2. Find total extension in bar under pull of 30KN if both portions are 20mm thick.

Q7. A straight bar 450mm long is10mm in dia for first 200mm length and 20mm in dia for remaining length. If bar is subjected to axial push of 10KN,find decrease in length of bar.
Q8 A solid square steel rod 6mm in dia & 500mm long is fastened to end of square brass bar 25mm on a side & 400mm long.Geometric axis of bars lying along same line.A load of 5KN is applied at each end. Find the elongation of assembly. Take Esteel =200GPa, EBrass = 90GPa

Q9. Bar shown in figure is subjected to 150KN pull.Find dia of middle portion if stress there is limited to 125N/mm2. Find length of middle portion if total extension of bar is 0.15mm. E=2.5x105N/mm2.
Q10. A member ABCD of uniform dia 200mm is subjected to point load. Find change in length of bar. E=200GN/m2

Q11.A member ABCD is subjected to loads as shown in figure.Find P3 for equilibrium. Also ind net change in length of member. Take
E = 200GN/m2
Q12 A tapering circular bar is loaded as shown in gigure. AB has dia 60mm and CD has dia 30mm. Find P3 for equilibrium and change in length of bar. E=200GPa.

Q13.A steel bar is subjected to loads as shown in figure.Find change in length of bar of dia 18mm. E=1.8x105 N/mm2
Q14.A member of uniform dia 20mm is subjected to point loads as shown.Find stress in each portion and total elongation. E = 200GPa

Q15 A bar of 25mm dia is subjected to a pull of 60KN. Measured extension over length 0f 250mm is 0.15mm & change in dia is 0.004mm. Find E,G and µ.
Q16. For a given material G= 0.43x105 N/mm2 and E=1.1x105 N/mm2, Find µ ,bulk modulus & lateral contraction of a round bar of 45mm dia and 2.5m length stretched by 2.5mm.