
A good draft is 23 the length of the final essay and

Essay assignment about (The Avengers) Movie

A good draft is 2/3 the length of the final essay, and contains solid ideas. I will read your draft and comment briefly on its direction. In revising for the final, you need to cover more than my comments. Generally, I focus on the three most important elements in commenting. Your grade for the grade reflects its potential. A 95% means the essay has the potential to receive an A if the essay continues improving.

Central Question: What is your evaluation of a newly discovered piece of media?

In our media-saturated world, we are always discovering new pieces of media. We read new books, watch new movies, or hear new songs. This essay asks you to choose one artifact of media that you are have recently discovered (within the past year) and present your evaluation of it dependent on specified criteria, alongside other's opinions of it. (This must be a different media artifact than in Essay 1.)

In Essay 2, you are to choose one media artifact (one song, movie, episode of television) and evaluate your perception of its effectiveness within that genre. During this process, you choose at least 2 explicit criteria for evaluation and then describe how the artifact does or does not mean those criteria. For example, you might review a movie on the criteria of plot, special effects, message and/or acting. You must also find at least one review of the piece of media and summarize that person's thoughts on it, and agree or disagree with them. Use the unit readings that review movies, television, and music videos as guidelines for your essay. 

In evaluating your essay, I will examine how you meet the following criteria:

  1. That you fully answer the prompt by evaluating 1 new piece of media, explaining the criteria you've chosen to evaluate, and describing how it meets or does not meet that criteria.
  2. That your paragraphs are developed and focused with identifiable topic sentences.
  3. That you effectively integrate a review from another source, correctly summarizing and attempting to cite the source.
  4. That your thesis is specific, interesting, manageable, and appropriate for your essay.
  5. That your essay follows the conventions of Standard American English grammar.

In assigning you a grade, I will follow this schema:

  • An A paper fulfills all of these criteria excellently
  • A B paper fulfills some criteria excellently and some adequately
  • A C paper fulfills all criteria adequately
  • A D paper might fulfill some criteria adequately, but does not meet others
  • An F paper does not meet more that 3 of these criteria

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