A global strategy can be a problem for the international firm if it causes the firm to overlook important local or regional differences in areas such as personnel practices or customer tastes.
For example, if Precision Parts used a pure global strategy, it might not recognize that some countries are very much accustomed to four-cylinder engines while others are more partial to eight-cylinder engines.
You have been asked to define global strategy as used in international strategic management. Your response should include discussions on the following:
* In what way might a global strategy be a problem for a successful national organization that is intent on going international?
* Please give an example of a problem Precision Parts could face if it overlooks important local or regional differences.
* A global strategy can be a problem for the international firm if it causes the firm to overlook important local or regional differences in areas such as personnel practices or customer tastes. Discuss local personnel practices or customer tastes in Germany and Japan that may be prove to be an obstacle Precision Part's strategy.