Back to the brewery or the honey farm again, you will re-use all your hard won research on how breweries or bee farms work, and the nature of their products, and marketing them.
A friend of yours mentions that Salesforce.Com might be a great way to expand the internet sales process in your Uncle's business. Your Uncle is still trying to decide if he will or won't implement the ERP that you worked on last time. As this is your part of the business to run, and you are comfortable with technology, this might be a great way to start a buzz (sorry I could not resist, especially as it works with both businesses!) about using software in the workplace.
So assume that you don't have to deal with any software integrations, that your internet turnover is $250,000 per year, and that your gross margin is 100%; your uncle provides you labeled individual containers of beer or honey, but you have to pay for packaging and shipping, and any other business costs. Also assume that your Uncle's ability to flex production upwards is not a constraint, and that there are no restrictions on selling beer or honey through the internet/delivery method you choose.Research the software, and write a two page business proposal that makes a case for or against implementing this software