
A freezer has a coefficient of performance of 630 it is

A freezer has a coefficient of performance of 6.30. It is advertised as using 446 kWh/yr. Note: One kilowatt-hour (kWh) is an amount of energy equal to running a 1-kW appliance for one hour.

(a) On average, how much energy does it use in a single day?

(b) On average, how much energy does it remove from the refrigerator in a single day?

(c) What maximum mass of water at 19.6°C could the freezer freeze in a single day? (The latent heat of fusion of water is 3.33 105 J/kg, and its specific heat is 4186 J/kg · °C.)

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Physics: A freezer has a coefficient of performance of 630 it is
Reference No:- TGS0765031

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