
a formal analysis is a short essay that seeks not

A formal analysis is a short essay that seeks not only to describe a work of art, but also to analyze its:

1. Formal properties,
2. Subject matter,
3. Historical context and
4. Any symbolism that might be contained in the artwork.

Formal properties refer to the composition itself and the dominant artistic elements within the composition. This is a detailed description of the piece in regard to its medium (is it a painting, a sculpture, a piece of architecture, etc?), the materials used in creating the piece, how the artist used those materials to construct the artwork and a detailed physical description of the contents within the composition. Don't forget to include the artist name and the date the artist created the piece.

The subject refers to the content of the image or sculpture. What does the artist represent in the piece? What story is he/she trying to tell? If the piece is a painting, which genre does it come from (landscape, portrait, etc.)? Is there any symbolism or iconography in the image?

In dealing with the historical context, you might be required to do a little research. You'll want to understand the time period in which the work was produced. You might ask questions like: What was going on politically or even artistically? Was the work produced during a time of war or major social change? What conditions led to its creation? Was it a commissioned work of art and if so, who was the patron? Do some research in order to understand the period in which the artist worked and the underlying reasons for the creating the art.
Often times a work of art contains symbolic reference, sometimes obvious, sometimes hidden. A religious work such as a crucifixion scene might be an example of one whose symbolic reference is apparent. In the early 20th century the symbolism might be contained within a framework of references that take a little more digging to figure out.

NOTE: One example might be Kandinsky's Improvisation 28, whose symbolism is hidden in the abstract lines and colors of the painting.The choatic nature of the painting might suggest the chaos ensuing in the wake of World War I.

Begin this assignment by choosing one work of art by one of the artists you have studied from Lessons 4-6. You can use one of the slides from FADIS, or find one on your own, but you must use the artists we are studying. If you are unsure about an image, you may always contact me to discuss.

Provide a formal description of your chosen work, then give a brief history of the piece: who was the artist, why did he create the work, what movement did he belong to, what event in history (if any) is it tied to, are there any political or social ramifications of the piece? Remember to be detailed in your description of your chosen piece. You can also make comparisons to other artists/works from the same period, or talk about the influence of this artist on others and on the artistic movement to which he/she belongs. Discuss any symbolism referenced in the work as well.

Finally, you will want to stress how this work of art exemplifies the key traits of a work Modern Art - be sure to make a thorough examination based on the knowledge you acquired while studying the artist and painting that are the subject of your essay. This part of your essay should be at least a couple of paragraphs.

NOTE: If you own a copy of "Gardner's Art Through the Ages", you might want to review "An Introduction to Understanding Western Art" at the beginning of the book to help you with your analysis. You may use sources other than your textbook and courseware for your research, but remember to cite all references either within your paper or as a footnote page. Again, I will not accept essays written using Wikipedia as a source.

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Humanities: a formal analysis is a short essay that seeks not
Reference No:- TGS0502777

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