Problem: Distracted Driving*
A few years ago, Congress convened for 2 days to discuss ways to minimize the problems associated with distracted drivers (use of cell phones, handheld and other mobile devices while behind the wheel of a vehicle.) The statistics from earlier that year were alarming - nearly 6,000 deaths, and 500,000 injuries per year resulting from distracted drivers. Congress sponsored a bill that would make 25% of Federal highway funding incumbent upon State bans of texting or e-mailing while driving. Some see the ban on using mobile devices as the broadening of drunk driving laws and seat belt regulations.
Questions: 1: Do you think we should ban people engaging in activities while driving that could be distracting? (like cell phone usage?) Why / why not?
2: How far do we go? Should we ban eating / drinking? Tending to small children in the vehicles? etc. Again, why / why not?
3: Do you believe these kinds of laws (ex. seat belt laws) are paternalistic? (from 'fatherly', protective - telling us how to conduct ourselves) Why / why not?