Choose an advanced database topic to be written as an extended survey and write a report.ppt ( paper presentation ) also.
Report StructureThe report should be structured in the following manner:
• Abstract: A paragraph highlighting the main points of the report.
• Introduction: A few paragraphs longer than the Abstract that outline the purpose of the paperand its contents focusing on the Background, Related Work and Methodology.
• Background: Any assumed knowledge required for your chosen topic/product/algorithms shouldbe discussed here.
• Related Work: Any concepts comparable to your chosen topic/product/algorithms should bediscussed here.
• Methodology: The topic/product/algorithms you have chosen should be discussed here.
• Analysis: If any experimentation was conducted (i.e. Option 2 or 3), it would be discussed andinterpreted in this section.
• Conclusion: A summary of the paper focusing on the main contributions in the Methodology andAnalysis (if included).