A, Explain how a person can be free to choose but his or her choices are casually determined by past event
B , Draw the casual tree for newcomb's problem when Eve can't perfectly detect Adam's casual history. The probabilities of Eve rightly or wrongly detecting whether adam will later open only the black box instead of opening both boxes are respectively denoted r and w. recal that L denotes the smaller amount of money always in the clear box and M denotes the larger amount of money that eve might might put in side the opaque box E A
C, Derive the two expected payoffs formulas E A (1B / r, w) and E A ( (2B /r,w) and use them to solve for another formula that equals the smallest value of M (denoted M*) required in order for Adam's expected payoff from opening only the opaque box to exceed that from opening both boxes by a multiple of as least ( a sign that looks like derivative) L what is the resulting formula for M*. finally suppose (L, sign that looks like derivative I don't know ) = (300, 95), (r,w)=(.58, .43) and use the formula for M* to calculate the numerical value of M* for this case