Give the right answer of all the following question.
Question 1- In an experiment in the lab room, a student holding a force sensor with a string attached sits in a chair that has wheels with negligible friction.
Part 1- Describe how their partner must move such that the force sensor reads a constant force as the student is pulled across the lab room.
Question 2- A dynamics cart with a force sensor attached is placed on a level track. Attached to the force sensor is a string of negligible mass that passes over a pulley. A hanging mass is then attached to the free end of the string and the cart is released from rest.
Part 1- Draw a picture of this situation below and label all of the forces present. You should ignore any friction on the axels of the cart and pulley.
Question 3- Draw free-body diagrams for both the cart and the hanging mass below.
You need to solve the all above question and you should ignore any friction on the axels of the cart and pulley