A dormitory at a large university, built 50 years ago, has exterior walls constructed of Ls = 25-mm-thick sheath-
(a) Show the thermal circuit representing the steady-state heat transfer situation. Be sure to label allelements, nodes, and heat rates. Leave in symbolic form.
(b) Assume the following conditions: Too = 20°C, h = 50 W/m2 · K, and T1 = 30°C. Calculate the heat flux q0" that is required to maintain the bonded surface at T0 = 60°C.
(c) Compute and plot the required heat flux as a function of the film thickness for 0 Lƒ 1 mm.
(d) If the film is not transparent and all of the radiant heat flux is absorbed at its upper surface, determine the heat flux required to achieve bonding. Plot your results as a function of Lƒ for 0 Lƒ 1 mm.