A distinguishing feature of a contractual vms is that

1. A distinguishing feature of a contractual VMS is that coordination and conflict management among the independent members of the channel are attained through ________.

    a. contractual agreements

    b. working partnerships

    c. agents and brokers

    d. natural competitive forces

    e. limited liability incorporation

2. The goal of marketing logistics should be to provide a ________ level of customer service at the least cost.

    a. stable

    b. targeted

    c. minimum

    d. moderate

    e. maximum

3. Companies manage their supply chains through ________.

    a. competitors

   b. information

    c. skilled operators

    d. the Internet

    e. transportation modes

4. The most common type of contractual VMS agreement in business is the ________.

    a. multichannel marketing system

    b. corporate VMS

    c. conventional marketing channel

    d. franchise organization

    e. administered VMS

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Operation Management: A distinguishing feature of a contractual vms is that
Reference No:- TGS02223342

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