
A distinguish exactly what kind of human activity is being

NOTE: Please explain in a hundred-minimum word explanation concerning this topic so I may better understand. I have a few questions at the bottom to help me understand this please answer them. Humans have benefited from an overall warmer climate over the past millennia. However, among the majority of scientists there is deep concern over the changes in climate as a result of increased atmospheric carbon dioxide. Many scientists and non-scientists advocate a rapid shift to energy sources that contribute less carbon dioxide and methane to the atmosphere. (Note: Methane is also a greenhouse gas, its effects on atmospheric warming are greater per molecule, but the warming effects do not last as long). Conversely, there are many politicians and a few scientists who do not think that carbon dioxide emission is a threat to the planet. Some of these people refute the claim of human activity being responsible for change in climate and point to how climate has always fluctuated throughout the life of planet Earth.

A) Distinguish exactly what kind of human activity is being charged with contributing to the warming trend.

B) What evidence is used to negate this charge?

C) Do you think we need more evidence before taking action to reduce CO2 emissions? Or is it better to act now to reduce CO2 emissions? What are the possible costs and benefits of each of these two strategies?

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Biology: A distinguish exactly what kind of human activity is being
Reference No:- TGS02493149

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