
A discussion of the political debacle of the current

• Final Case Study (Final Project)

Final Case Study Preparation

Students will read chapter 8 of the Edward Alden text, The Closing of the American Border. Upon completion of the weekly Alden chapter reading assignment, students will begin the final case study.

Final Case Study Instructions

Students will use information from each of weekly case study submission, including information gleaned for chapter 8 of the Alden text, as building points for their final case study.

Otherwise, students will not simply regurgitate what was already written in those case studies, but instead only use information gleaned from those studies as reference points when composing their final case study.

The final case study will be a minimum five pages and must include the following elements:

1. A brief (no more than one page) review of the U.S.' historical efforts to secure its borders as discussed in the Alden text;

2. A discussion of the political debacle of the current immigration debate (pro and con) which has left America divided along racial, ethnic, religious, and political lines;

3. A discussion of how this issue has left the American people struggling to maintain a sense of what true democracy is or is not,

4. A review of the student's plan to address the immigration issue in the U.S. The plan must cover all four components of the issue (racial, ethnic, religious, and political).

In addition to addressing each of the elements mentioned above, the final must adhere to the following criteria:

5. The paper must be APA formatted and referenced.

6. The first page of the paper must include a cover sheet correctly formatted according to APA guidelines.

7. The second page must include an Abstract.

8. This essay must use 1-inch margins, Times New Roman 12-point font, and double spacing.

9. Any citations MUST be correctly formatted according to APA guidelines (there should be at least five, documenting where you got the information for your report). Do NOT use an automated citation manager to perform this function. Do it manually for this assignment and check your formatting against available GU approved APA resources.

10. Excluding the cover page and references, this paper must be at least 5 pages. The entire paper must be your original work.

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Dissertation: A discussion of the political debacle of the current
Reference No:- TGS02499691

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