Select a company listed on a well - established stock exchange.
a) Discuss how successful the company has been at delivering value to its shareholders over the past 5 years. Minimally, must include an EVA analysis and an historical TSR compared to appropriate benchmarks
b) Undertake a current valuation of the equity in this company, using
i. Net Asset Value
ii. Comparable ratios (P/E, P/B, EV/EBITDA) using past results and comparable firmsto justify an appropriate valuation
iii. Discounted Free Cash Flow. Forecast each component for at least 5 years of forecast cash flow and estimate a terminal value, and then discount them back at the appropriate cost of capital. Justify all assumptions
c) Reconcile any differences in values obtained using these different methods and state(with reasons) which value you think is correct for the company
Clearly explain all assumptions used in the valuations