A digital audio compact disc carries data, each bit of whichoccupies 0.6 um along a continuous spiral track from the innercircumstance of the disc to the outside edge. A CD player turns thedisc to carry the track counterclockwise above a lens at a constantspeed of 1.30 m/s. Find the required angular speed
(a) at thebeginning of the recording, where the spiral has a radius of 2.30cm, and
(b) at the end of the recording, where the spiral has aradius of 5.80 cm.
(c) A full-length recording lasts for 74 min 33s. Find the average angular acceleration of the disc.
(d) Assumingthat the acceleration is constant, find the total angulardisplacement of the disc as it plays.
(e) Find the total length ofthe track.