
A description of the key benefits of your product outline

Title: An Integrated Marketing Communication Plan for (insert brand name)- Phase two

Details of task:

Executive Summary:

-Creative Strategy Statement.- This section will include:

A description of the key benefits of your product, outline the claims you are making about the product, and any promises you are making to consumers.

Tagline/ brand associations/ packaging design/ choice of colours (if significant)

Recommended message strategy and corresponding appeals and executional techniques with justification. message strategy statement'

-Overview of IMC Program Mix.

In this section you will:

Select a minimum of 3 MC functions (one of these must be advertising) and justify your choice. This will include linking the MC functions to your objectives. Outline the relative emphasis you wish to place on each of your selected MC functions.

-Discussion of each MC Function

In this section, you will:

Describe how you would like to use each of your selected MC functions over the course of your 12-month IMC campaign.

Clearly outline the costs associated with using each of your selected MC functions.

You are required to provide a detailed budget table for each selected MC function. The costs associated with using each MC function will come out of your RM/ AU$1.2 million IMC budget.

A written explanation and graphical presentation of media schedule.

A timetable of activities (to include all MC functions).

The following are specific instructions regarding your use of various media vehicles (i.e.,you media mix):

Think carefully about which media vehicles you select, as these will be used to deliver your brand messages/sales promotions etc. As such, you need to explain the link between each media vehicle and your selected primary target audience. Again, it is critical that you explain how this media mix will facilitate the attainment of your sales and communication objectives.

You are required to: include at least two mass media vehicles and at least one type of ‘social media' in your IMC plan.

Describe how these media vehicles will help you to achieve your communication/sales objectives.

Discuss when you want to use each media vehicle over the course of your 12-month IMC campaign. For example, do you want to use one particular media channel before the product launch and other types after the launch? If so, why?

♦ Outline the (i) frequency and (ii) cost of each media vehicle selected*.

-Campaign Evaluation

In this section, you will discuss how you intend to evaluate your IMC campaign. In other words, you will:

Discuss the specific evaluation methods/techniques you would recommend be used to evaluate your IMC program.

Discuss what is to be tested and when the testing will occur.


In this section you will:

Provide a final summary budget table outlining the ‘top line' costings for each of your MC functions. It should also include the costs associated with the evaluation phase of your IMC campaign.

Discuss why you think this budget allocation will enable you to meet your stated objectives.

Include a pitch/selling statement for your IMC campaign plan. This involves telling the reader why your IMC campaign plan is good and why you would recommend that it be implemented. It is, in effect, your last opportunity to persuade the reader of the value of your IMC plan. DO NOT just restate what you plan to do. Persuade the reader WHY your IMC campaign is likely to meet the stated objectives.

The following is a general guide to the breakdown of marks between different elements of the task.

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Business Management: A description of the key benefits of your product outline
Reference No:- TGS01357776

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