A de servomotor drives the .r-axis of an NC milling machine table, the motor is coupled directly to the table lead screw, whose pitch = 6.25 mm. An optical encoder is connected to the lead screw 1: 5 gear ratio (one tum of the tea screw converts 105 turns of the encoder disk. The optical encoder emits 125pulses per revolution. To execute a certain programmed instruction, the tablemat move from point(x = 875mm, y = 35.0)to point (x = 25,Omm, y = 180,0mm) in a straight-line trajectory at a feed rate = 200 rum/min. Determine
(a) the control resolution of the system for the .r-axis,
(b) the rotational speed of the motor, and
(c) the frequency of the pulse train emitted by the optical encoder at the desired feed rate