A CT signal x(t) can be depicted as follow. It is a periodic function with T0 = 1 micro sec, and amplitude A = 1. The second signal y(t) is a sinusoid function with the fundamental frequency of 900 MHz, i.e., y(t) = cos(2*pi*fc*t), fc = 900 MHz. Please use MATLAB to plot these two signals' waveform separately, then plot the waveform of the product z(t)=x(t)y(t).
Use MATLAB to plot the Fourier transform (frequency representation) of the above mentioned signals, i.e., X(f), Y(f), and Z(f).
Design a 4th order lowpass Butterworth filter with the corner frequency of 1 MHz. Then send the above signal x(t) to this filter, and find out the output in both time and frequency domain (plot the signal waveform and frequency spectra) .
If send the signal z(t) to an ideal bandpass filter with the center frequency of fc (900 MHz), and bandwidth of 1 MHz, 2 MHz, or 5 MHz, respectively, what is the output signal from this bandpss filter? Plot the output signal in both time domain and frequency domain.