
A create two separate sampled sinusoids with a sampling

a.) Create two separate sampled sinusoids with a sampling frequency 7000hz. Two sinusoids frequency at 1000hz, 1900 hz. Add sinusoids together creating x(t). Set time vector between 0 and 10s.
b.) With x(t) plot fourier transform using khz as frequency. Create suitable frequency vector.
c.) Using downsample() function sample x(t) by factor of 2. Plot fourier transform with new frequency vector. What are the result of spectrum prove mathematically.
d.) Using downsample() function sample x(t) by factor of 3. Plot fourier transform with new frequency vector. What are the result of spectrum prove mathematically.

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Electrical Engineering: A create two separate sampled sinusoids with a sampling
Reference No:- TGS0616863

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