
a copying a graphic image from the web can be as

(a) Copying a graphic image from the Web can be as easy as pointing to it and clicking the right mouse button or performing a screen capture. The question is, under what circumstances this would be appropriate, if at all? Write a report in which you list and explain the situations that you feel are appropriate for copying a graphic image from the Web. Provide your justification, including covering copyright concerns. Your report should not exceed 150 words.

(b) Explain the seven model primitives in 3D Lingo.

(c) A 3D object is created in Director's Shockwave 3D authoring interface. However, the object is not visible because there is no light in the 3D world environment.

(i) Write 3D Lingo codes to add two sources of light (one spot light and one bulb light).

(ii) Write 3D Lingo codes to turn the colour of the bulb light to blue and that of spot light to green.

(iii) Write 3D Lingo codes to position the bulb light to (0, 0, 100) and that of spot light to (50, 50, 0) in the 3D world.

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Software Engineering: a copying a graphic image from the web can be as
Reference No:- TGS0361076

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