Q 1: A continuous-time system has a response that is the cube of its excitation. Classify the system as to linearity, time-invariance, BIRO stability, causality, and memory.
Q 2: A discrete-time system is described by: ny[n]-8y[n-1]=x[n]. Classify the system as to linearity, time-invariance, BIRO stability, causality and memory.
Q 3. Evaluate the convolution integral y(t) = x1/(t) * x2(t) using the graphical approach where x1(t) and x2(t) are given in the figure below.

Q4. Sketch the waveform of the convolution sum y[t] = x[n] * h[n], where
x[n] = n x (u[n] - u[n-5]) and h[n] = δ[n-1] - δ[n-3].