A continuous reaction requires a steady flow rate of ethylene. Ethylene is supplied by a 108-L gas cylinder initially at 2200.0 psig and 25.0°C. Once leaving the cylinder, a regulator reduces the pressure to 15.0 psig, and a valve allows 2.100 mL/s of ethylene at 25.0°C to flow into the reactor. At this flow rate, how long would it take before the gas cylinder needs to be replaced (before the cylinder pressure reaches 15.0 psig)? Assume that the cylinder doesn\'t change temperature. Use the law of corresponding states and compressibility charts to describe ethylene within the cylinder. Atmospheric pressure is 1 atm.
What is the reduced temperature of ethylene at 25.0°C?
What is the reduced pressure of ethylene at 2200.0 psig?
What is z, the compressibility factor, for ethylene at 2200.0 psig and 25.0°C?
What is ninitial, the number of moles of ethylene in a full gas cylinder? __mol C2H4
What is nfinal, the number of moles of ethylene when the cylinder\'s pressure is 15.0 psig? __mol C2H4
What is ?n, the total number of moles that flow to the reactor from one cylinder? __mol C2H4
How many days does it take for ?n moles to flow to the reactor at a rate of 2.100 mL/s? __days