A continuous hot rolling mill has eight stands. The dimensions of the starting slab are: thickness = 3.0 in, width = 15.0 in, and length =10 ft. The final thickness is to be 0.3 in. Roll diameter at each stand 36 in, and rotational speed at stand number 1 =30 rev/min. It is observed that the speed of the slah entering stand 1 = 240 ft/min. Assume that no widening of the slab occurs during the rolling sequence. Percent reduction in thickness is to be equal at all stands, and it is assumed that the forward slip will be equal at each stand. Determine
(a) percent reduction at each stand,
(b) rotational speed of the rolls at stands 2 through 8, and
(c) forward slip.
(d) What is the draft at stands 1 and 8?
(e) What is the length and exit speed of the final strip exiting stand 8?