
A contemporary response to picassos guernica 1937 as we are

Question: A contemporary response to Picasso's Guernica (1937) As we are beginning to see in class, images create in other times and places can still be understood many years later. It is also often the case that images can take on new or heightened meaning to us in light of contemporary events. Look at the painting entitled Guernica by Pablo Picasso (above, and also provided as a separate file). This is a Cubist image. You may need to spend some time with the piece in order to truly "see" it. Read some reliable background information about Picasso's inspiration for the piece. This will provide the basis for you to understand and decode the work. Utilizing the techniques of compositional analysis, consider how this image relates to current world events. Be specific.

General statements such as, "it is an image of war and destruction" may be true, but is too general. This assignment requires you to draw specific correlation between the content of the painting and one specific world event within the past 5 years. Do not include detailed information about the historical context for the work. A mention of one or two sentences is sufficient. Do not include biographical information about Pablo Picasso.

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Dissertation: A contemporary response to picassos guernica 1937 as we are
Reference No:- TGS02654585

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