(Objects and classes) Write a Java program for ATM machines to meet the following requirements:
1. Define an Account class with the following 4 private data fields:
• An int data field named id for the Account user account id (default 0).
• A String data field named name for the Account user name (default "NA").
• A double data field named balance for the Account (default 0).
• A Date data field named dateCreated that stores the date when the Account was created.
2. Implement the following methods for the Account class:
• A constructor with 3 parameters ( id, name, balance ) - assign the parameter values to these 3 data fields and initialize dateCreate= new Date();
• The accessor and mutator methods for balance.
• The accessor method for id, name, dateCreated.
• A method named withdraw that withdraws a specified amount from the Account.
• A method named deposit that deposits a specified amount to the Account.
• A method named printReceipt() that will print the 1) AccountID, 2)Account name, 3) the date
Account was created, and 4) current balance.
3. Write a test program that
• Creates three Account users with initial values as below:
id: assign 1 to the first user, assign 2 to the 2nd user, assign 3 to the 3rd user.
name: you need to assign different name for each user
balance: every user has the same initial amount 2000.
• Call deposit and withdraw methods for every user. The first user deposits 500. The 2nd user withdraws
600. The 3rd user deposit 200 and withdraw 400.
• Call the printReceipt() to display the account information for each user.
• Find the person who has the highest balance after all transactions and show the account name and
• This project should be coded in ONE java file.