1. A constraint with positive slack or surplus is called a
nonbinding constraint.
resource constraint.
binding constraint.
nonlinear constraint.
linear constraint.
2. A constraint with zero slack or surplus is called a
nonbinding constraint.
resource constraint.
binding constraint.
nonlinear constraint.
linear constraint.
3. A feasible solution to a linear programming problem
must be a corner point of the feasible region.
must satisfy all of the problem's constraints simultaneously.
need not satisfy all of the constraints, only the non-negativity constraints.
must give the maximum possible profit.
must give the minimum possible cost.
4. A straight line representing all non-negative combinations of X1 and X2 for a particular profit level is called a(n)
constraint line.
objective line.
sensitivity line.
profit line.
isoprofit line.
5. A transportation problem
is a special case of the linear programming problem.
can be solved by linear programming, but is solved more efficiently by a special-purpose algorithm.
may give an initial feasible solution rather than the optimal solution.
requires the same assumptions that are required for linear programming problems.
All of these
6. A widely used mathematical programming technique designed to help managers and decision making relative to resource allocation is called ________.
linear programming
computer programming
constraint programming
goal programming
None of these