
A comparison similarities and differences of two tests

Assessment Instruments

Assessment and diagnosis are vital first steps in helping a client who abuses and/or is addicted to substances address his or her problem and move toward recovery. Yet, just as a single test by a mechanic may not accurately assess and help diagnose a rattling in a car's engine, a single test by a counselor may not accurately assess and help diagnose a client's substance abuse or addiction problem.

As a counselor working with substance abusers, you must be familiar with a wide array of assessment tests, techniques, and instruments in order to accurately assess your clients, diagnose them, and then provide them with the best treatment. In this Discussion, you will compare several assessment tests, techniques, and instruments and analyze their strengths and weaknesses.

To prepare for this Discussion:

• Review this week's Learning Resources, focusing on the characteristics of the various tests, techniques, and instruments used for assessment.

• Reflect on the similarities and differences among individual tests, techniques, and instruments used to assess and diagnose substance abuse and addiction.

• Select two tests, techniques, and/or instruments and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each in relation to assessing and diagnosing substance abuse or addiction.

With these thoughts in mind:


a comparison (similarities and differences) of two tests, techniques, and/or instruments used to assess and diagnose substance abuse or addiction. Then, describe one strength and one shortcoming of each, using specific examples.

Learning Resources


• Course Text: Substance Abuse Counseling

o Chapter 5, "Assessment and Diagnosis" (pp. 122-154)

Article: Bride, B. E., MacMaster, S. A., & Webb-Robins, L. (2006). Is integrated treatment of co-occurring disorders more effective than nonintegrated treatment? Best Practices in Mental Health: An International Journal, 2(2), 43-57.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Article: Modesto-Lowe, V., Brooks, D., & Ghani, M. (2006). Alcohol dependence and suicidal behavior: From research to clinical challenges. Harvard Review of Psychiatry, 14(5), 241-248 .Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

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Dissertation: A comparison similarities and differences of two tests
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