
A comparative analysis of investment and trade performance

Assessment: Group Essay Topic

A comparative analysis of investment and trade performance between two selected Asian countries.

The group will prepare an essay of 2000 - 3000 words (excluding Reference last 'Harvard Style') that focuses on investment and trade performance between two selected Asian countries. The assignment wet be typed in 1.5 line spacing on one side only of single sheet of A4 using 12 point size type with normal margins.

Marks will be awarded on the basis of the following key criteria but not limited to

- Focusing on the key issues of the problem

- Emphasising concepts related to the topic and studied in the unit

- Addressing policies and theories rotated to the topic and studied in the unit

- Critical analysis of investment and trade performance on the selected two countries

- Issues and challenges for investment and bade development in the selected two countries

- Quality of findings and recommendations based on the analysis

- Clearly identified implications to management for facing issues and challenges, and implementing recommendations identified in the essay

- General quality of the formal presentation and language issues of the essay.

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Macroeconomics: A comparative analysis of investment and trade performance
Reference No:- TGS01572733

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