A combined cycle plant operates with a topping gas turbine and a bottoming vapor turbine cycle. The working fluid in the vapor turbine cycle is water.
Use Excel and thermodynamics property evaluation add-in for steam available from BB/Learn. For air use perform a cold air-standard analysis using the following values: cp = 1.005 kJ/kgK, cv = 0.718 kJ/kgK, k=1.40, M=28.97 kg/kmol. Let T0 = 25°C and P0=100 kPa
Let T0 = 25°C and P0=100 kPa
Analyze the system and determine the following:
m·g = (mass flow rate through gas cycle turbine)
m·v = (mass flow rate through vaporcycle turbine)
W·gtc = (shaft power to the GTC generator)
W·vtc = (shaft power to the VTC generator)
Q·in = (rate of heat transfer to gas flowing through combustor)
Q· = (rate of heat rejection in condenser)
E·f,comb = (rate of exergy increaseing as flowing through combustor)
E·d,cond = (rate of exergy destruction in condenser)
E·d,evap = (rate of exergy destruction in evaporator)
ηth= (plant thermal efficiency, conversion of heat toelectric)
εII= (plant second lawefficiency)
If you switched fluids from H2O to R134a in the Vapor Turbine Cycle, what would be appropriate values at state 8, such that the outlet quality at state 9 is between 0.95 and 0.99
P8= (pressure into vaporturbine)
T8= (temperature into vaporturbine)
Turn in paper copy of solution that includes:
1) All pages of thishandout
2) Handcalculations
3) Excel showing plantresults
4) Excel showing underlyingequations
5) ("ctrl ~ " to exposeformula)
6) Excel showing plant resultswith
7) designchange.
Do NOT share Excel files with other students.
In subject line: ME 4293, Design, "abc123"
Attachment:- Thermodynamics.rar